The mind is an uncooperative filter. Fewer memories pass through it as
events become more remote. Trivial memories can loom larger than
significant ones. But Friday, November 22, 1963, jumps out of stored
recollections in sharp focus, even though separated in time by fifty
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Paul R. Gregory's writings on Russia, the world economy, and other matters that he finds of interest.
Friday, November 22, 2013
Friday, November 15, 2013
Germany Bashing With Bad Economics and Wrong Facts
If this were a football game, the referee should call
unnecessary roughness for piling on Germany. The American Left led by
Paul Krugman (The
Harm Germany Does and Those
Depressing Germans) excoriates Germany
for forcing austerity on the rest of Europe. The U.S. Treasury (no newcomer to spending) demands
that miserly Germany spend
more to pull the PIIGS (Portugal,
Italy, Ireland, Greece
and Spain)
out of their economic doldrums. Angela Merkel and her scrooge Germans are
pictured as eating their Kuchen mit Schlag as Greek public employees
lose jobs and unemployed youths riot in the streets. Even the sober Financial Times (Germany
Is a Weight on the World) accuses the German juggernaught of piling up
export surpluses to “beggar their neighbors.”
To understand the liberals’ beef against Germany, we
must go back to the PIIGS borrowing spree that followed the creation of the
Euro. As part of a single currency with strong partners to the North, even the
PIIGS could borrow at low interest rates, and they borrowed voraciously not for
investment but to pump up public spending. Their solvency in doubt as the
financial crisis exploded, the PIIGS could no longer borrow. Suddenly, they had
to live within their own means, except for the limited official loans the
European Union, the European Central Bank and the IMF begrudgingly handed out
to prevent the collapse of the Euro. Greece,
Spain, and Portugal
descended into deep recession with one quarter of the work force unemployed.
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Sunday, November 10, 2013
To Achieve ObamaCare's Insurance Goals, We Must Abolish ObamaCare
ObamaCare was sold to the American people as an “effort to help 40 to 50 million Americans with low income or people with preexisting conditions.” (Democratic Rep. Earl Blumenauer, ObamaCare’s original promises (now long forgotten) were that we can help those 40 to 50 million unfortunates who can’t get insurance, keep our doctor and plan, lower premiums by $2,500, and it will cost less than a trillion dollars over a ten year period. Sounds almost too good to be true, and it was!
If your car is
acting up, you want the mechanic to fix the problem. Only if the car’s
problems are catastrophic would you consider junking it. However, Obama
is ready to junk our health care system because of problems with the
uninsured poor and pre-existing conditions that affect only three
percent of the population. He did not ask, like in the case of the
auto mechanic, what it costs to insure the poor and those with
pre-existing conditions, while keeping the rest of the system that is
working just fine (such as our current plan and doctor) for the 97
percent of us.
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Wednesday, November 6, 2013
President Obama's Loss Of Trust Over Obamacare Imperils Immigration Reform
The President’s “misspeaking” on his Obama Care
pledges have doomed any chance of immigration reform, or any other major
reform, for that matter. Obama may go into campaign mode on immigration
reform to gain Hispanic votes, but it will be only talk. There can be
no comprehensive reform of anything – immigration, entitlements, or the
national debt — if legislators and, more importantly, the voters do not
trust the President’s word.
Obama has declared immigration reform his top
legislative priority for the rest of his term. In June of 2012, the
Senate passed the Border Security,
Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act, which spends
more on border security, provides provisional legal status and eventual
pathway to citizenship for people living in the country illegally, and
outlines reforms for the existing visa programs for immediate relatives
and skilled workers.
House Speaker John Boehner
declared the Senate bill a nonstarter and expressed hope that the House
would produce its own bill. A House bi-partisan group of four
Republicans and four Democrats began drafting such a plan but has
subsequently fallen apart with only one Republican remaining. The
chances of passage of any comprehensive immigration reform during the
Obama years are about zero.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
A New 1 Percent: The Tiny Sliver Of Obama Care 'Winners'
Beleaguered Obama Care supporters use three arguments to dismiss the
cancellation of insurance policies that millions of Americans were
satisfied with. First, the cancelled policies are no good in the first
place. (How can a one-size-fits-all bureaucrat determine that?) Second,
greedy insurance companies are canceling the policies, not Obama Care.
(The insurance companies must cancel under Obama Care rules). Third,
those families being cancelled “represent the relatively small part of
America that the Obama administration did not talk about while campaigning for the Affordable Care Act.” (See: New York Times When Insurers Drop Policies). Did he really forget about them or did he decide not to share this information with American voters?
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