Obama supporters cite the 30 million who stand eventually to gain health insurance coverage as the most compelling reason for not abandoning ObamaCare in its time of troubles. Despite a string of disappointments and broken promises, ObamaCare critics do not push back against this claim. After all, the 30 million who will gain insurance is a calculation of the “non-partisan” CBO.
go to forbes.com
Paul R. Gregory's writings on Russia, the world economy, and other matters that he finds of interest.
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Putin Clears The Decks For Sochi Olympics With Pardons
In a surprise move near the end of his annual press
conference, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a pardon for rival,
Mikhail Khodorkovsky, and clemency for the Pussy Riot girls remaining in prison.
These pardons signal Putin’s absolute confidence in his personal power and the
importance to him of the Russian winter Olympics to begin in Sochi in February. Putin has placed his
personal prestige on the line with his $50 billion investment in building the Sochi Olympic
infrastructure. He cannot let anything happen to spoil his big day.
Putin’s move was timed to counter the growing list of heads
of state including Obama, Harper, Hollande and Merkel who are refusing to
attend. His pardons gave his Western rivals less to complain about.
Left unresolved is the world gay and entertainment
community’s boycott of the Sochi Olympics in protest over Russia’s anti-gay
laws and Putin’s own anti-gay stance. Even with a turnabout in policy towards
gays, Putin must fear the threat of pro-gay protests in Sochi by attendees, gay participating
athletes and their sympathizers.
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Kim Jong Un Copies The Playbook of Joseph Stalin In North Korea, The World's Last Stalinist State
Stalin would have slapped the “Great Successor”
heartily on his back for executing his “traitor-for-all-the-ages” uncle.
Well done, young fellow. This young guy, Kim Jong Un, doesn’t shirk
from killing his own relatives. He reminds me of myself. I did not
hesitate to shoot my closest friends and the relatives of my beloved
first wife, Katya. Shooting friends and relatives sends a chilling message to all. Well done!
This Un guy sure knows how to run a show trial.
Uncle Song pled guilty to all charges, even the most outrageous. I had
to wait until I was 49, and here he is orchestrating show trials at 30.
But credit where credit is due: I pioneered the choreography back in 1936.
The apple does not fall far from the tree. Un’s
grandfather dispatched 12 of his most senior officials back in 1953, my
last year on earth. Un promised Uncle Song
he could live if he confessed and that his wife and children would be
safe. I used that trick hundreds of times, and they all fell for it, but
what could I do when the courts sentenced them to death? As I used to say: “Friendship is friendship but business is business.”
go to forbes.com
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Weak World Economy, Not ObamaCare, Is Bending The Cost Curve
Obama’s central planners are latching on to what they think is a rare ObamaCare “win.” Harvard professor and ObamaCare guru, David Cutler (The health-care law’s success story: Slowing down medical costs) proclaims that ObamaCare has “bent the health care cost curve down” as a consequence of measures already in effect, such as “value based reimbursements” and “Accountable Care Organizations.” ObamaCare has thus attained one of its main goals before it even begins. Quite an accomplishment, I must say, if true.
Note that Cutler rules out that the downward
bending cost curve is a result of the 2008-9 world recession and the
spindly recovery thereafter. As he writes:
“Even as coverage efforts are sputtering, success
on the cost front is becoming more noticeable. Since 2010, the average
rate of health-care cost increases has been less than half the average
in the prior 40 years. The first wave of the cost slowdown emerged just
after the recession and was attributed to the economic hangover. [Wrong.
The slowdown began during the recession]. Three years later, the
economy is growing, and costs [No. He means the growth rate of costs]
show no sign of rising. Something deeper is at work.”
Sounds too good to be true. With some minor
jiggling, Obama’s central planners have somehow slowed the rise in
health care costs for the first time in forty years. Per Cutler: “The
Affordable Care Act is a key to the underlying change.”
Cutler fails to mention the world-wide phenomenon
of slowing healthcare costs caused by the world recession and the weak
recovery in its aftermath. The U.S. medical cost slowdown has nothing to
do with the ObamaCare tweaks that Cutler praises. Cutler would have us
believe that the somnambulant world economy explains the deceleration of
medical costs in all countries except the United States, where
ObamaCare must be credited. Try selling that one on the streets.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Will Kiev Streets Thwart Putin's Grand Design?
A fateful drama is playing out in central Kiev.
Tens of thousands of demonstrators occupy Independence Square and block
entrances to government buildings. They demand “revolution.” They clamor
for the resignation of President Victor Yanukovich’s government as
punishment for his surprise decision to reject the European Union’s
offer of association status and to look instead eastward for partners.
Yanukovich’s use of the riot police has been met with ever larger
numbers of demonstrators.
An experienced observer like Anders Aslund predicts
that this is the beginning of the end of Yanukovich. If so, it will be
the Ukrainian people, not President Obama or professional European
diplomats, who will have dealt Vladimir Putin
his first major foreign policy defeat. Putin has risked a lot of skin
in the Ukrainian game, defiantly calling the Kiev demonstrations a
Friday, November 22, 2013
2:01 PM November 22, 1963: That's My Friend Lee Harvey Oswald!
The mind is an uncooperative filter. Fewer memories pass through it as
events become more remote. Trivial memories can loom larger than
significant ones. But Friday, November 22, 1963, jumps out of stored
recollections in sharp focus, even though separated in time by fifty
go to forbes.com
go to forbes.com
Friday, November 15, 2013
Germany Bashing With Bad Economics and Wrong Facts
If this were a football game, the referee should call
unnecessary roughness for piling on Germany. The American Left led by
Paul Krugman (The
Harm Germany Does and Those
Depressing Germans) excoriates Germany
for forcing austerity on the rest of Europe. The U.S. Treasury (no newcomer to spending) demands
that miserly Germany spend
more to pull the PIIGS (Portugal,
Italy, Ireland, Greece
and Spain)
out of their economic doldrums. Angela Merkel and her scrooge Germans are
pictured as eating their Kuchen mit Schlag as Greek public employees
lose jobs and unemployed youths riot in the streets. Even the sober Financial Times (Germany
Is a Weight on the World) accuses the German juggernaught of piling up
export surpluses to “beggar their neighbors.”
To understand the liberals’ beef against Germany, we
must go back to the PIIGS borrowing spree that followed the creation of the
Euro. As part of a single currency with strong partners to the North, even the
PIIGS could borrow at low interest rates, and they borrowed voraciously not for
investment but to pump up public spending. Their solvency in doubt as the
financial crisis exploded, the PIIGS could no longer borrow. Suddenly, they had
to live within their own means, except for the limited official loans the
European Union, the European Central Bank and the IMF begrudgingly handed out
to prevent the collapse of the Euro. Greece,
Spain, and Portugal
descended into deep recession with one quarter of the work force unemployed.
go to forbes.com
Sunday, November 10, 2013
To Achieve ObamaCare's Insurance Goals, We Must Abolish ObamaCare
ObamaCare was sold to the American people as an “effort to help 40 to 50 million Americans with low income or people with preexisting conditions.” (Democratic Rep. Earl Blumenauer, http://thomas.loc.gov). ObamaCare’s original promises (now long forgotten) were that we can help those 40 to 50 million unfortunates who can’t get insurance, keep our doctor and plan, lower premiums by $2,500, and it will cost less than a trillion dollars over a ten year period. Sounds almost too good to be true, and it was!
If your car is
acting up, you want the mechanic to fix the problem. Only if the car’s
problems are catastrophic would you consider junking it. However, Obama
is ready to junk our health care system because of problems with the
uninsured poor and pre-existing conditions that affect only three
percent of the population. He did not ask, like in the case of the
auto mechanic, what it costs to insure the poor and those with
pre-existing conditions, while keeping the rest of the system that is
working just fine (such as our current plan and doctor) for the 97
percent of us.
go to forbes.com
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
President Obama's Loss Of Trust Over Obamacare Imperils Immigration Reform
The President’s “misspeaking” on his Obama Care
pledges have doomed any chance of immigration reform, or any other major
reform, for that matter. Obama may go into campaign mode on immigration
reform to gain Hispanic votes, but it will be only talk. There can be
no comprehensive reform of anything – immigration, entitlements, or the
national debt — if legislators and, more importantly, the voters do not
trust the President’s word.
Obama has declared immigration reform his top
legislative priority for the rest of his term. In June of 2012, the
Senate passed the Border Security,
Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act, which spends
more on border security, provides provisional legal status and eventual
pathway to citizenship for people living in the country illegally, and
outlines reforms for the existing visa programs for immediate relatives
and skilled workers.
House Speaker John Boehner
declared the Senate bill a nonstarter and expressed hope that the House
would produce its own bill. A House bi-partisan group of four
Republicans and four Democrats began drafting such a plan but has
subsequently fallen apart with only one Republican remaining. The
chances of passage of any comprehensive immigration reform during the
Obama years are about zero.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
A New 1 Percent: The Tiny Sliver Of Obama Care 'Winners'
Beleaguered Obama Care supporters use three arguments to dismiss the
cancellation of insurance policies that millions of Americans were
satisfied with. First, the cancelled policies are no good in the first
place. (How can a one-size-fits-all bureaucrat determine that?) Second,
greedy insurance companies are canceling the policies, not Obama Care.
(The insurance companies must cancel under Obama Care rules). Third,
those families being cancelled “represent the relatively small part of
America that the Obama administration did not talk about while campaigning for the Affordable Care Act.” (See: New York Times When Insurers Drop Policies). Did he really forget about them or did he decide not to share this information with American voters?
go to forbes.com
go to forbes.com
Monday, October 28, 2013
Obama Care A Mess? Liberals Say Go Single Payer
More suspicious voices on the right warned that the
Left would use a collapsing Obama Care as an excuse for a single payer
medical care system. The “train wreck” of the Obama Care roll-out has
underscored its incredible complexity, contradictions, and peccadilloes,
and we are just beginning to scratch the surface. Who knows what
horrors lie buried in the thousands of pages of regulations that no one
has read?
The warning that the Republicans will be blamed for
the crash of Obama Care is already coming true. As ueber-Liberal Robert
Reich writes from his Ivory Tower of Berkeley (Don’t Blame Dems. We Wanted Single Payer):
“Had Democrats stuck to the original Democratic vision and built comprehensive health insurance on Social Security and Medicare, it would have been cheaper, simpler, and more widely accepted by the public.”
The Left is champing at the bit to go single payer,
even before Obama Care has begun. The employer mandate has been delayed
and thousands of exemptions have been granted. Of the major provisions,
only the individual mandate and fines remain, and even they may be
delayed. But the liberals say: Let’s change the venue and the rules before the game even starts.
The oracle of the Left, New York Times columnist Paul Krugman (The Big Kludge) explains that Obama Care, as constituted, is too complicated a mix of the private and public sectors. (Why did he not say that when the bill was before Congress?) Krugman explains that Obama Care was given to us by the Republicans
in cahoots with Big Insurance, Big Pharma, and Big Hospital. Poor Obama
and the Democrats had to take what was possible not what was best
because of the rascally Republicans.
Krugman then issues his siren song for the single payer system:
go to forbes.com
True Patriots Stop Train Wrecks
Ted Cruz’s filibuster and the House Freshmen’s
battle against Obama Care have drawn media derision and establishment
Republican “I told you so’s.” Suicide-vest, unhinged, insane,
extortionist, and Astroturf metaphors dominated political discourse as
Democratic Schadenfreuders cited polls that Americans blame Republicans
more for the government shutdown and debt ceiling near miss.
The Charge of the Light Brigade, led by Lord
Cardigan as ordered by his commander Lord Raglan against an entrenched
Russian artillery battery (and immortalized by Tennyson six weeks
later), has been pounced upon as the historical analogy
for the “failed” Tea Party attack on Obama Care. Pundits say the Light
Brigade, which symbolizes gratuitous loss (of life) for a futile cause
exacerbated by poor planning and confusion, exemplifies the Tea Party’s
huge political losses in pursuit of an impossible cause – the defunding
or delay of Obama Care.
A more appropriate analogy is found in Jimmy
Stewart’s 1951 classic film “No Highway in the Sky.” In it, Stewart
plays an aeronautical engineer whose wind tunnel tests predict that a
newly-introduced aircraft will break apart in mid air. Jimmy
deliberately sabotages a doomed flight and is branded a mental case. His
daughter even pleads to skip school because of teasing. Jimmy Stewart
turns from goat to hero when the plane he sabotaged loses its tail
section as it rolls down the runway for its next take off.
go to forbes.com
go to forbes.com
Monday, October 21, 2013
Krugman On Austerity: How About Looking At The Facts For A Change?
New York Times economist and editorial writer, Paul
Krugman, has headed the Left’s crusade against austerity, both in the United States
and across the industrialized world. To Krugman, “austerity” does not denote a
careful husbanding of government money. Rather austerity denotes unwisely large
cuts in government spending that, he claims, threaten economic growth and
recovery. Krugman bases his opposition to austerity on an empirical assertion that
we can test; namely: “Across the advanced world, big
spending cuts have been associated with deeper slumps.”
Krugman’s testable hypothesis,
therefore, is: Countries that experience large reductions in government
spending grow more slowly (or not at all or worse).
Just as some people speak before
they think. Krugman seems to believe his asserting something to be true makes
it true. The scientific method does not work this way, however. It requires
that we first gather the facts on government spending and growth. Second, we must
use these facts to test the Krugman hypothesis of a positive relationship
between government spending and growth.
The scientific method, so applied,
shows Krugman’s facts to be wrong (where are the “big spending cuts”) and
it refutes his hypothesis. Not a good day for Mr. Krugman. Next time, he
should gather and test the facts before he writes.
go to forbes.com
Thursday, October 17, 2013
The Tea Party Victory
We cannot see the forest because of the trees. The prevailing wisdom
“from the trees” is that the Tea Party lost. The Tea Party “kamikazes”
in the Senate and Congress donned their “suicide vests” and fumbled the
partial federal government shutdown and the debt ceiling negotiations.
I see it quite differently “from the vantage point of the forest:” The Tea Party has denied President Obama his long term goal of creating a positive-rights European-style entitlement state. The Tea Party changed the conversation from fundamental change, massive second stimuli, investment banks, national value added, fuel, and carbon taxes to sequestration and haggling over nickels and dimes of federal spending, and forced the Obama administration to gamble its second term (and legacy) on the unlikely success of Obama Care, which every Democratic member of Congress now personally owns.
go to forbes.com
I see it quite differently “from the vantage point of the forest:” The Tea Party has denied President Obama his long term goal of creating a positive-rights European-style entitlement state. The Tea Party changed the conversation from fundamental change, massive second stimuli, investment banks, national value added, fuel, and carbon taxes to sequestration and haggling over nickels and dimes of federal spending, and forced the Obama administration to gamble its second term (and legacy) on the unlikely success of Obama Care, which every Democratic member of Congress now personally owns.
go to forbes.com
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Obama's Pre-existing Conditions Whopper
How to Lie with Statistics was a standard
college statistics textbook in the 1960s. It became one of the
best-selling statistics books in history by showing how to lie,
intentionally or unintentionally, with statistics. We need a new
edition with a new title: How politicians lie – and lie big time — with
go to forbes.com
go to forbes.com
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Obama's Fatal Mistake on Social Security
In a speech in Rockville, Maryland today, President Barack Obama
blew up the Democrat’s social-security “third rail” in eighteen words.
Usually, Obama’s gaffes come off-the-cuff. Today’s remarks were,
however, prepared; namely:
“In a government shutdown, Social Security checks still go out on time. In an economic shutdown — if we don’t raise the debt ceiling — they don’t go out on time.
go to forbes.com
“In a government shutdown, Social Security checks still go out on time. In an economic shutdown — if we don’t raise the debt ceiling — they don’t go out on time.
go to forbes.com
We are Shutting Down Only Thirteen Percent of the Government (At Most)
Eight cents out of every federal non-defense dollar represents a
transfer from taxpayer to recipient. Entitlement transfers do not
require annual Congressional approval. They can be changed only by
entitlement reform, which is not on the table. We cannot, therefore “shut down” a federal government whose primary business is income redistribution.
go to forbes,com
go to forbes,com
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Merkel’s Awful Election Blunder
The German and world press universally laud Angela Merkel’s election triumph in the German parliamentary elections. She has won (not 100% sure) a third term and she fell only three seats short of the holy grail of German politics – the absolute majority. Pundits say she won because German voters like her slow but steady decision making and her down-to-earth style. Few have pointed out that her election victory has been marred by a huge electoral blunder.
go to forbes.com
Monday, September 23, 2013
The Problem Is Obesity Not Hunger (Thoughts On The Food Stamps Debate)
Throughout history, politicians have fabricated
crises to justify their own solution to the crisis they themselves
dreamed up. History is strewn with non-existent crises – the population
bomb, global cooling, resource depletion, freon destroying the ozone layer, and so on – that threaten destruction unless the government acts. The U.S. “hunger crisis” is the latest in a long line of such relics.
The current hysteria over the House bill to cut food stamps by $40 billion over a decade (see Krugman, Free to Be Hungry) will be framed against America’s “hunger crisis” fabricated by the powerful “hunger lobby.” Democrats
will use the “hunger crisis” as a cudgel to beat those who favor cuts
in food stamps into bloody submission. How can any decent person favor
cutting aid to hungry families, who, according to the crisis mongers,
constitute one out of six of our neighbors? Few politicians have the
fortitude to withstand the onslaught and the “crisisists” will likely
win. A non-crisis will be “solved,” as real facts and real crises are
Facts are the enemy of the “crisisists.” Therefore,
we hear few of them, and the facts we hear are distorted beyond
recognition. In this case, the facts speak for themselves: The United
States, and increasingly the affluent world, has a crisis not of hunger
but of obesity. The hunger crisis is a clever fabrication to serve
political and commercial interests. If the hunger lobby’s facts are true, our hunger rates equal those of the poorest African and Asian countries.
A quick review of the real facts:
Fact 1: More than one of three Americans is obese.
On the other hand:
Fact 2: One in a thousand adults and one in ten thousand children do not eat for a whole day on an average day.
Fact 3: Almost a third of a million Americans die
annually of obesity. Obesity is the second leading cause of preventable
On the other hand:
Fact 4: Deaths from hunger (due primarily to eating disorders) are too rare to be recorded in mortality statistics.
(Readers can check my sources: Journal of American Medical Association, USDA Economic Research Service, S-9, West Virginia Health Statistics Center.)go to forbes.com
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Why Putin Cannot Afford Runoffs: Navalny and the Moscow Election
As Vladimir Putin was running circles around Barack Obama, opposition
mayoral candidate Navalny was giving Putin’s Kremlin a lessen in
American retail politics. Putin won big on Syria but lost big in the
Moscow mayor’s race, whose outcome may change Russian politics in the
long run.
In the September 8 Moscow mayoral election,
incumbent, Sergei Sobyanian, narrowly avoided a run off with 51.2
percent of the votes. Challenger, lawyer, anti-corruption blogger Alexei
Navalny, officially received 17.2 percent. The Moscow Electoral
Commission subsequently declared Sobyanian the victor. Navalny continues
to challenge the vote in the courts with truckloads of evidence of
voter fraud. Navalny has a snowball’s chance in hell of reversing the
outcome in Russia’s courts.
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Sorry, Mr. Reich: Your Economics Grade Is Still F (Reply to Robert Reich)
In my Robert Reich’s F Minus In Economics: False Facts, False Theories, I gave Professor Reich an F for his Higher wages can save America’s economy — and its democracy. For
those who missed it, the reasons for my grade (as a 40-year teacher of
economics) are Reich’s lamentable disregard for facts and his lack of
knowledge of basic economics. My specific criticisms included:
First, Reich’s assertion that America’s growth and
prosperity rest on a “basic bargain” that corporations pay their workers
enough so that they can buy their products is wrong. Reich claims the bargain was pioneered by Henry Ford in 1914, who decided to pay his workers enough to buy his Model T’s.
Second, historical statistics show Reich’s
assertion that the Great Depression was caused by businesses allowing
wages to stagnate and profits to soar in the 1920s is false.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Robert Reich's F Minus In Economics: False Facts, False Theories
I am appalled by the economic illiteracy encountered in leading newspapers, business magazines, and prominent web sites (the news section of the Wall Street Journal is no exception). Robert Reich’s Higher Wages Can Save America’s Economy – and Its Democracy
(Salon.com) is only one of many examples. As a teacher of economics for
over forty years and a co-author of a best-selling 1980s economics 101
textbook, I would have given Reich’s paper a resounding F, if he had
submitted it for my elementary economics class.
Reich’s elevated credentials point to an automatic A+. As
a frequent TV pundit, author of 13 books, Chancellor’s Professor of
Public Policy at the University of California at Berkeley no less, and
self-identified as “one of the
nation’s leading experts on work and the economy,” many readers will
automatically believe his economic nonsense. As a former Secretary of
Labor, readers would be surprised to learn that Reich does not appear to
understand how wages and labor markets work.
go to forbes.com
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Moscow Mayor's Election: So Much for Competitiveness, Transparency, and Legitimacy
Muscovites went to the polls today to elect their
mayor. Mayor Sergei Sobyanin (mentioned as Putin’s eventual successor)
resigned unexpectedly to call an early election for September 8.
Sobyanin, appointed by Putin after he fired Sobyanin’s predecessor,
needed to establish his legitimacy as a duly elected mayor. Sobyanin’s
unlikely opponent is Alexei Navalny, anti-corruption fighter, blogger,
and “embezzler,” convicted on trumped up charges in one of Putin’s
kangaroo courts.
Navalny, who faces a five-year prison term, was
unexpectedly released on bail instead of being sent to jail. The
Kremlin’s logic: Sobyanin needed at least some opposition to claim
legitimacy. Navalny offered an ideal ploy – a convicted criminal,
deprived of television and radio coverage, and under the threat of
prison, running a futile campaign against the well oiled Kremlin
machine. In pre-election campaign mode, Sobyanin cleaned up parks,
repaired roads, and spent billions to prove what a good job he was doing
on behalf of his beloved people of Moscow.
Friday, August 30, 2013
Obama: Ain’t Broke, Fix It. Broke: Keep As Is
The Obama administration is rolling out a new program to fix
universities and colleges. Allocation of federal funds for higher educational
establishments is to be based on measures of college “performance,” such as affordability,
admission rates for low-income students, remedial support for disadvantaged
students, and graduation and transfer rates.
The Obama’s education department will require all of America’s 4,500
diverse private, public, and religious colleges and universities to follow the
same federal rules or risk loss of federal support – another “one size fits all”
characteristic of Obama.
Obama’s stated purpose of fixing our broken higher education:
We must ensure that “earning a postsecondary degree” is no longer “a pathway to
opportunity for the ‘talented few.’” In other words, our higher educational
system, like most everything else, is unfair. It limits success to a privileged
few and leaves others saddled by debt, unable to buy a car or home.
Note that Obama proposes to fix a higher educational system
that is not broke. According to international
statistics, the United
States has one of the highest higher
educational enrollment rates in the world at 74 percent versus the G20 average
of 52 percent. The U.S.
enrolls 40 percent more of its young people in higher education than the
average of the twenty richest countries. We are one of the few countries that believe
in and offer higher education for the masses.
Sunday, August 25, 2013
The Chinese Can't Stage a Decent Show Trial
The trial of the decade — against former party
heavyweight, Bo Xilai – has become a disaster for the new Chinese
leadership. The charismatic Bo’s forceful assertions of innocence
against charges of petty corruption and misuse of office have enlivened
his supporters and made his accusers look weak and petty.
Joseph Stalin mastered the political show trial.
His first, against sixteen of Lenin’s deputies and Trotsky allies,
lasted five days. His second, against seventeen party officials, lasted a
week. The third, against the twenty-one members of the “Bloc of
Rightists and Trotskyites,” lasted almost two weeks in the presence of
invited diplomats and journalists.
Stalin orchestrated his show trials as carefully
staged rituals. In each, the defendants’ confessions were extracted well
before the trial. They dutifully confessed in public court to
horrendous crimes of murder, espionage, and treason. Official newsreels
showed the repentant traitors begging for mercy. With few exceptions the
defendants received the death penalty and were shot within a day or two
of the trial. The Soviet press condemned the “mad dogs” in incessant
drumbeats of vitriol. Factory workers organized “spontaneous” meetings
to demand the supreme penalty. Confused diplomats and journalists, many
of whom did not understand Russian, sat in the court room as
interpreters whispered in their ears. They concluded that the show
trials had exposed real plots against a Soviet Union, which had narrowly
averted overthrow by sinister forces from within and without. What a success for Mr. Stalin!
Stalin would erupt in laughter at the pantywaist
show trial of the disgraced party leader, Bo Xilai, currently underway
in Beijing. It violates all of Stalin’s rules for a successful show
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Airbrushing Away The Numerous False Promises Of Obama Care
President Barack Obama spent an entire year fighting a Blitzkrieg
culminating in the signing of Obama Care on March 23, 2010. He drummed
two unambiguous promises into the public consciousness:
“If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your current health insurance plan you can keep it.”
Without these two presidential pledges, Obama Care would have stood no chance. By and large, people were happy with their doctors and with their insurance plans. They would not have given up something that is working for the vague promises of Obama Care.
go to forbes.com
“If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your current health insurance plan you can keep it.”
Without these two presidential pledges, Obama Care would have stood no chance. By and large, people were happy with their doctors and with their insurance plans. They would not have given up something that is working for the vague promises of Obama Care.
go to forbes.com
Friday, August 2, 2013
Putin the Predictable: Guest Snowden
It takes no savvy to know what Vladimir Putin will do next. Putin (Vova or
VVP, as he is known by Russians) can be counted on to do exactly what
his declared “enemy” – the United States – does not want him to do. He
will do so, moreover, unadorned with diplomatic language or tact.
Putin’s granting of asylum to fugitive Edward Snowden is just another on
a long list of examples.
Putin sends ships full of supplies to Syria during
Assad’s lowest point in his civil war as President Obama declares Assad
must leave. He provides Iran with “peaceful” nuclear technology and
weakens sanctions as Obama declares the noose is being tightened. He
sends his emissaries to anti-American rulers in Latin America. VVP
consistently votes against U.S. proposals in the United Nations.
Now VVP has stuck his finger straight in Obama’s
eye. Surprise, surprise: He has granted fugitive Snowden asylum in
Russia – a not unexpected move after he allowed a passportless Snowden
to enter Moscow Sheremetova without a visa. Take that, Barack, he says
with gesture and deed.
go to forbes.com
Friday, July 26, 2013
Ideological Blinders Prevent An Obama Pivot On The Economy
President Barack Obama
and Japan’s Shizo Abe both face sluggish economies that have been
stimulated to the limit with few, if any, positive results. To his
credit, Abe recognizes the need for the politically tough “structural
reforms” of credit, agriculture, and retail sales to restore Japanese
growth. Obama ignores the deep structural problems of the U.S. economy –
over regulation, the uncertainties of Obama Care, anti-growth tax
policy, and growing entitlement incentives not to work. Instead, he
offers minor sops masquerading as reform, and blames his
five-years-out-of-office predecessor for what is wrong today. Under Abe,
Japan, at last, has a chance of revitalization. Under Obama, the U.S.
will see more of the same. He cannot attack the structural problems
restraining the U.S. recovery because they are largely of his own
making. The pitiful recovery was authored in Washington.
In yesterday’s hour and four minute speech,
President Obama reprised his many “pivot to the economy” speeches of the
past: He inherited a mess from Bush, but he got America moving again.
He has been blocked by a recalcitrant opposition determined to see him
fail. Without his bold actions, we would still be mired in
a painful recession. The President paraded a wish list of shopworn
mini-fixes – youth training, mortgage relief, more infrastructure
investment — and “mother and apple pie” calls to bring American jobs and
manufacturing back home. He failed to offer any concrete proposals how
to create jobs and accelerate tepid growth.
go to forbes.com
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Images of Navalny and Putin
Some Facts on Food Stamps You’ll Not See Elsewhere
The House Republicans proposed to cut $2 billion a year for
ten years from food stamps (a “drastic” 3% cut fro0m the $80 billion program). The
Senate passed on a bipartisan basis a much smaller reduction over the same
period. House Republicans understood that they could not pass a farm bill that
included $2 billion annual cuts in food stamps, so the House tried but failed
to pass a farm bill without food stamps, hoping to pass a separate food stamp
bill later. Liberal Democrats condemned the House action in unison, claiming falsely
House Republicans wanted to wipe out the food stamp program entirely.
The liberal blogosphere condemns any cut in food stamps on
the grounds that poor hungry people, especially children, are hurt and that
food stamps have become an essential (and apparently permanent) stimulus to
keep our economy moving.
Currently, 48 million people receive food stamps, 17 million
of which are classified by the USDA as families with very low food security, of
which 5 million are children. The USDA’s “very low food security measure” is
its feeble attempt to measure the number of hungry Americans.
The accompanying chart (taken directly from the
Congressional Budget Office) provides some perspective on where we stand:
The chart shows that, in past years, the number of
recipients and spending on food stamps move with the business cycle, as
measured by the unemployment rate. However, starting in 2001, food stamp spending
and participation rose despite low unemployment due to the use of EBT credit
cards and enhanced enrollment efforts. (Thank you, George W. Bush?) Both enrollment
and spending soared with the recession of 2008, but did not moderate with the
recovery that began in late 2009/early 2010. Both food stamp spending and
participation doubled between 2007
and the present!
Those who oppose any cuts in the food stamps program argue
that food stamp spending and participation were driven up by the recession and
we still need an extra boost. If so, they should accept the fact that food
stamps should decline as the recovery continues. The chart shows that the CBO
expects food stamp spending to drop by $11 billion over the next decade, and
the number of recipients to fall by 13 million people (under current
legislation) as a consequence of the economic recovery.
Using CBO projections, Congress should prepare for
reductions in the food stamp program. Using the CBO figures, Congress should
budget slightly over $1 billion less per year over the next decade even without
any changes in food stamp rules. Although opponents of food stamp cuts warn
that some 2 million people will lose coverage as a result of the proposed House
bill, the CBO projects that a much larger 13 million will lose coverage as the
recovery proceeds without any changes in the way food stamps are administered.
Let us remember that food stamps are an entitlement that is
supposed to increase during bad economic times and decrease during good
economic times. Supposedly, we are in a recovery, or at least that is what we
are told.
Those who oppose any reduction in the number of
beneficiaries and benefits paid have lost sight of the meaning of entitlements,
just as those who argue for permanent stimulus have forgotten the basics of
Keynesian economics. Instead of accepting the reductions that are supposed to
accompany a recovery, they are making new arguments. One is that food stamps
really do not fight hunger. Rather food stamps fight obesity, especially among
children. (I do not know how food stamps affect recipients’ choice of food.
Please enlighten me). Obesity is a growing problem, so we need more food
stamps. Second, they argue that we need food stamps as a disguised form of
stimulus, without which the recovery is jeopardized.
I guess obesity and deficient stimulus will always be with
us. Therefore let’s have no cuts in food stamps.
In googling material for this piece, I found that the first
40 posts argued against any food stamps cuts of any kind and warned of
horrendous consequences of cuts. I ran across a vast array of groups and
lobbyists with vested interests in food stamps. I did not find one article
supporting the food stamps cuts that must come according to the CBO. The one exception
was an attack on Lou Dobbs for venturing to say food stamps need to be cut.
We have no lobby for cutting government spending. Let’s hope
the Tea Party gets animated again. This is a good issue for them.
Putin Declares Himself Dictator With The Navalny Verdict
Alexei Navalny’s five-year prison sentence on fabricated charges removes Vladimir Putin’s
last political opponent from the scene. Navalny was charged with
stealing a small amount of money during the course of giving pro-bono
legal advice to a regional government on the sale of timber.
Navalny, the charismatic anti-corruption blogger
and activist, was one of the key organizers of anti-Putin demonstrations
following the disputed parliamentary and presidential elections of
December 2011 and March 2012. He had been a thorn in the side of the
Putin machine by exposing its high-level corruption on his blog, which
is followed by millions of Russians. He was indicted by Putin’s
Investigative Committee – an extrajudicial body that works like the
troikas of the Stalin era. Among those exposed by Navalny for the theft
of billions were the very members of the Investigative Committee that
indicted him. Navalny coined the term widely applied by the Russian
people to Putin’s United Russia, as the “party of thieves and scoundrels.”
Monday, July 15, 2013
China Is About To Make A Mistake That May Rival Its One Child Policy
China avoided the world recession that started in
2009. The wise communist party, we are told, ramped up infrastructure
spending – unimpeded by the need for licenses, court reviews, or rights
of way. The government pumped in just enough infrastructure spending to
maintain China’s healthy growth rate.
Skeptics of democracy and free enterprise waxed
eloquent about China’s state capitalism, as directed by China’s
communist party. We want more of what China is having over here – was
the refrain.
Democracy and free markets indeed make mistakes. No
one promised free sailing of steady growth, low unemployment, and the
absence of business cycles. Bubbles and busts have been a part of the
capitalist system since the Dutch Tulip Bubble of 1637. We can debate
the role of government in the U. S. housing bubble and in Europe’s
banking and Euro crises, but no proponent of market capitalism has
promised a bubble-free, recession-free world.
The proponents of state capitalism and a one party
system do make such promises. The Soviet Union promised that “scientific
planning” would lead to steady growth, innovation, and the eventual
overtaking of the United States. China’s communist leaders laud their
“socialism with a Chinese face” in which sober and wise party and state
officials can be counted upon to make the correct decisions.
History tells another story. The most
disastrous blunders have been committed by the scientific planners of
one party states. Miscalculations and errors of the market system tend
to be self-correcting if they are left alone. Even when they are
mishandled, the damage is minor compared to the blunders of the state
go to forbes.com
Friday, July 5, 2013
Let The Progressive Groups Targeted and Harassed by the IRS Come Forward
In an opinion piece disguised as news, the New York Times (I.R.S. Scrutiny Went Beyond the Political) reports that many applicants for tax-exempt status were singled out for scrutiny, not just political groups. Groups like “Break the Bonds,”
“Cash for Musicians,” and advocates of medical marijuana and open
source software were selected for extra scrutiny under the IRS’s “be on
the lookout” program. They were
subjected to long waits, intrusive inquiries and bureaucratic hassles
that appear unrelated to politics. It was not just the Tea Party that
suffered such indignities. Rather, the problem is not the politicization
of the IRS but a “process that became too rigid and too broad.”
go to forbes.com
Big whoopee: The Times
is telling its readers that the IRS might actually be doing its real
job of preventing shady money-making organizations from disguising
themselves as charities. So, the IRS does something other than harass
conservative organizations. Let’s hope so.
go to forbes.com
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Egypt's Rocky Road Into The Unknown
The Egyptian military’s ouster of President Morsi of the Muslim
Brotherhood is, to play with Lenin’s famous expression, one step back
(away from democracy) in order later to take two steps forward (for
go to forbes.com
The Muslim Brotherhood electoral victories that
brought Morsi to power with a parliamentary majority show ability of a
disciplined minority to gain power over an undisciplined majority. The
Bolsheviks gained power in October of 1917 through their greater
discipline (and their willingness to use force) despite garnering only a
quarter of the votes for the constituent assembly at the peak of their
power and popularity. It is noteworthy that Morsi ran on an electoral
platform that promised a secular Egyptian state. It was this electoral
promise that he was backing off when he was ousted.
go to forbes.com
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Will Obama Follow Richard Nixon As An Asterisk President?
The notorious asterisk (*) is applied to discredited sports records. Lance Armstrong’s
seven Tour de France victories have been followed by an * in the record
books since his admission of doping. Richard Nixon is modern history’s
only asterisk President. His * denotes the only President to resign from
office. More generally, the asterisk applies to any achievement gained
through questionable means.
Hence, the media elite will discredit any piece that has Barack Obama
“Asterisk President” in its title as spiteful partisanship, sour
grapes, and ignorance of “politics as usual.” Obama’s spin doctors and
the media will retort: Do these conservative wing nuts not know that
Obama won by a comfortable margin? Our democratic underground
has indeed put an asterisk next to George W, Bush, but that is only
right. Bush did not really win in 2008 and lied about weapons of mass
destruction, but our Barack won fair and square and by a comfortable
Columnists James Taranto and Peggy Noonan have broken the “asterisk taboo.” Taranto (President Asterisk)
describes how the mainstream media has circled the wagons to protect
Obama from the swirling scandals that threaten the legitimacy of his
second term. The media chant in unison: “Barack did not know. It was
only low level bureaucrats. Government is too complicated anyway. The
Republicans will lose by overplaying their hand.”
go to forbes.com
Friday, June 28, 2013
Harry Reid's Unicorn: The Left-Leaning Group Harassed By The IRS
Democrats on the House
Committee investigating IRS targeting abuse of conservative groups have
settled on their story, namely: Progressive groups were subject to
targeting too. Left-leaning and right-leaning groups were treated
equally. The IRS was fair to both sides.
Unfortunately for the
democratic cover story, the Treasury Inspector General assigned to
investigate IRS abuses specifically refutes their argument. I quote from
his letter to democratic members of the House Committee dated June 26:
“The evidence only shows conservatives being systematically targeted by the IRS, not just flagged…but actually targeted….While
we have multiple sources of information corroborating the use of tea
party and other related criteria…we found no indication in any of these
other materials that ‘progressives’ was a term used to refer cases for
scrutiny for political campaign intervention.”
go to forbes.com
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
The Timeline of IRS Targeting of Conservative Groups
The timeline
shows the IRS’s targeting of conservative groups applying for tax-exempt
status and of public statements about such tax-exempt groups by the
President, White House officials, and the Democratic National Committee
by date.
The main findings of this timeline:
The targeting of conservative groups begins March 2010. It has lasted more than three years.
President Obama, White House, and
the Democratic National Committee publicly and repeatedly warn about
nefarious and illicit activities of conservative groups, starting in
August of 2010. There are eleven public warnings, nine of which are issued by President Obama himself in public speeches.
Higher ups in the IRS learn about targeting on
June 29, 2011 but have three follow up meetings to define and expand
the categories of targeted groups, the latest being January 25, 2012.
IRS officials deny the existence of targeting (or fail to mention it) before Congress March 22, 2012 and May 3, 2012.
April 24, 2013, White House Counsel learns of targeting and informs senior White House Staff.
The Timeline
March 1-17, 2010: The IRS’ Determinations Unit asks for a search of “tea party or similar organizations’ applications.”go to forbes.com
Saturday, June 22, 2013
The CBO's Immigration Study And Its False Surplus
The analysis by the Congressional Budget Office of the Senate immigration bill spells out the methodology for calculating the budgetary effects of immigration legislation: Increased immigration will have a positive budgetary effect if the average immigrant adds more to the pot in taxes than he or she takes away in benefits.
Insofar as Congress is supposed to act in the general interest, state and local taxes and benefit costs must be added to make the calculation complete.
Whether immigration produces deficits or surpluses depends on factors including immigrant income (and taxes paid thereon), number of children and age. Currently, a family of two parents and three school-age children (immigrant or otherwise) earning $25,000 per year draws some $25,000 more in government benefits than it pays in taxes.
Immigration will add to deficits if the average immigrant family earns $25,000 per year. It will add to surpluses, if it earns $150,000. These are simple facts not subject to dispute.
Will the Senate bill leave us with high or low-income immigrants? The Senate bill does not place quotas on family-based immigration. Moreover, its merit-based immigration (track 2) appears to give preferences to siblings and married adult children over the age of 31. Immigration categories that emphasize skills and education are capped at low levels.
These provisions suggest a long-term predominance of low-income immigrant households — a steady supply of cheap labor for the American labor market. Some may consider this good for the economy, but its budgetary implications are negative.
Now let's turn to the CBO's flawed conclusion that the Senate immigration bill will produce a budgetary surplus in its first decade. (I will not even discuss its projection for the second decade because we cannot predict the composition of immigrant families 20 years hence.)
The source of the CBO's projected surplus is that legalized immigrants will pay Social Security taxes over the first 10 years while receiving virtually no benefits. Only "0.5% (of foreign-born individuals) would qualify (for Social Security) by the end of their 10th year," CBO says.
But the CBO ignores the fact that the immigration reform bill makes Social Security an even worse pyramid scheme than it already is. It counts each year's Social Security contributions by immigrants in the positive column without making provisions for future benefits, which will be about twice what the immigrants contributed over the long term.
Private companies are required by law to make provisions for the funding of pension and health liabilities of their employees. Meanwhile, the federal government, while imposing such provisions on the private sector, can spend current Social Security contributions on other things and hope that no one understands this is a Ponzi scheme. Maybe the federal government hopes that Charles Ponzi will pay these future benefits?
Read More At Investor's Business Daily: http://news.investors.com/ibd-editorials-perspective/062113-660996-increased-immigration-wont-have-positive-effect-on-budget.htm#comments#ixzz2WxMVwitf
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Friday, June 21, 2013
A "Dysfunctional" House Does What's Right On The Farm Bill
In a shock to its leadership, the House voted down the farm bill 234 to
195. Too many Democrats and Republicans defied their leadership.
Expecting the easy passage of the farm bill, the Washington
political and media elite harrumphed that Washington politics has
become completely dysfunctional. We can’t even pass something as routine
as the farm bill! We are supposed to run Washington as
The farm bill, which is passed every five years, has long been exhibit number one of what is wrong with Washington. Although U.S. agriculture is the most productive and efficient in the world, our farmers still receive subsidies, price supports, and loans under programs that date back to the farm collapse of the Great Depression. The vast majority of today’s farm programs simply transfer tax dollars to a few wealthy grain farmers, dairymen, and sugar growers at taxpayer and consumer expense. They raise milk and sugar prices (Americans pay at least double the world price) under the guise of helping the struggling family farm. Small agricultural enterprises get only one quarter of the goodies that the farm bill hands out. The top ten percent get three quarters. Where are the Congressional opponents of inequality when we need them?
go to forbes.com
The farm bill, which is passed every five years, has long been exhibit number one of what is wrong with Washington. Although U.S. agriculture is the most productive and efficient in the world, our farmers still receive subsidies, price supports, and loans under programs that date back to the farm collapse of the Great Depression. The vast majority of today’s farm programs simply transfer tax dollars to a few wealthy grain farmers, dairymen, and sugar growers at taxpayer and consumer expense. They raise milk and sugar prices (Americans pay at least double the world price) under the guise of helping the struggling family farm. Small agricultural enterprises get only one quarter of the goodies that the farm bill hands out. The top ten percent get three quarters. Where are the Congressional opponents of inequality when we need them?
go to forbes.com
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Least Worst Candidate Wins Iran's Presidential Election
The Wall Street Journal news alert proclaims that a “moderate” has won today’s Presidential election in Iran:
“Hassan Rohani, the candidate backed by the
opposition and reformist political factions, was declared the winner in
Iran’s presidential vote, giving a decisive victory to Iranians calling
for change. Iran’s interior minister said Mr. Rohani had received more
than 50% of the more than 36 million votes cast in Friday’s election.
Mr. Rohani was the lone moderate candidate in a race that once appeared
solidly in the hands of Tehran’s ruling clerics.”
Rohani replaces Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who served in this position since the 2005
election. His disputed reelection in 2009 sent millions of young
Iranians to the streets in protest. Rohani is indeed “moderate” in the
sense that he cannot be worse than his predecessor, reputedly one of the
militants who held U.S. diplomats hostage during the Carter presidency.
go to forbes.com
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Why The Financial Press Buys Into A Non-Existent Keynesian Consensus
Few Wall Street Journal
readers know that its news and opinion sections are written and managed
separately. Whereas the opinion section – as edited by the late Robert
Bartley and now Paul Gigot – consistently champions fiscal discipline,
smaller government, and lower marginal tax rates, analysts from the Journal’s
news side – David Wessel and Gerald Seib, in particular – are
consistent proponents of Keynesian tax and spend policy. That the news
section delivers conclusions at odds with the opinion section puts the Journal at risk of an errant headline like: “The Wall Street Journal Says Keynes Was Right.”
David Wessel consistently represents the Keynesian
party line in the news section. In his most recent analysis, his
conclusions about the effects of the sequester coincide with none other
than the New York Times’ Paul Krugman. Although Wessel’s language is more restrained, their conclusions boil down to one and the same.
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Poverty And Hunger In America: A Letter From The Front Line
My article Even Matt Damon and Beyonce Could Not Sell the True Child Hunger Statistic (One In A Thousand)
stirred up a hornet’s nest. I used USDA statistics to show the
child-hunger lobby’s “one-in-five-children-hungry” statistic is a wild
exaggeration. Instead, maybe one in a thousand children are hungry on
any given day – a number not statistically different from zero. This
drew a righteous response from the CEO of the largest hunger charity (Feeding America),
who argued that “even one hungry child is one too many.” (I guess he
would then agree that a child killed in an entertainment park is one too
many, so we should close them down along with those dangerous city
zoos). Another angry critic invited me to her home town to view child
hunger first hand. I requested that she send me some cases from her
community, but I am still waiting.
I reproduce, in its entirety, a remarkable comment
from a couple living in poverty, in which they describe their
experiences with hunger in their own home and community – a report, so
to say, from the front lines of poverty in America.
go to forbes.com
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Even Matt Damon and Beyonce Could Not Sell the True Child Hunger Statistic (One In A Thousand)
To understand the magnitude of childhood hunger, we need a snapshot of how many children are hungry on a given day. According to a typical alarmist, sixteen million children “face hunger every day.”
That is a huge figure — more than one in five children — that suggests a
massive failure of food stamps, free school lunches, and private
charity. After all this time and public and private expense, so many
children remain hungry in a rich country like the United States! What a
The U.S. Department of Agriculture publishes data from which one can calculate how many children are hungry on a given day. (Just as the Census Bureau asks where you live on the day of the census). The conclusion for the number of hungry children is (extended drum roll): One tenths of one percent of children, or one per thousand. Even
if we use the USDA’s liberal measure of hunger at least one incident
over twelve months, we get a child-hunger figure of one percent.
Such low figures (one in a thousand or one in a
hundred) will be ignored by the hunger lobby, food stamps expansionists,
and the media because it suggests a problem that has been solved.
(Discussion would then have to turn to childhood obesity, as it already