According to leaks from the Nemtsov murder investigation, the Chechen killers were given a ZAZ Chance as a surveillance and getaway car. The Kremlin investigation, it appears, will settle on the charge that the Chechen 5 killed Nemtsov on their own out of anger over his rebuke of the Charlie Hebdo killings on January 10.
A Russian newspaper published traffic camera photos of the alleged assassins in the ZAZ Chance already back in September, well before the Charlie Hebdo killings.
Moskovsky Komsomolets published
(already on March 10) traffic photos of the getaway car, some in the vicinity of
Nemtsov’s apartment. The image of the chief assassin, Zaur Dadaev, appears visible on the left passenger side. The photos date to September. I quote from the article
(for photos of the car, see below):
“What is
this – a coincidence? If we allow that the suspects already were following the
politician (Nemtsov), the fundamental motive disappears. At that time, there
had been no shooting in the offices of Charlie Hebdo; there were no remarks by
Nemtsov, which would have incited Muslims. That means there was nothing to kill
him for – at least according to the logic of Zaur Dadaev. We should also notice
the carelessness of the gangsters. They did not once bother to pay parking
fees. This infraction plus frequent speeding tickets – on the car added up to
12,000 rubles. Who is going to pay? So far, we do not know.
the future assassins in the surveillance car |
Image of cheif assassin on left side |
Ad for ZAZ Chance |